Highly respectable and sensible (mostly) work-related stuff
Work ... :( ... including a variety of research groups and Institutes I am associated with (e.g. Cabot Institute), some with award-winningly implausible acronyms (BRIDGE). |
Publications, manuscripts, and articles. Yes -- you too can now see peer-reviewed evidence that I do sometimes manage to get out of bed in the morning. |
Somewhat tragic / no-life / computer programming cGENIE Earth system model resources. |
Conference presentations, including the all-singing all-dancing poster presentations. |
Miscellaneous research interests, resources, and links of no particular value. |
My (probably not very current) CV, an
alternative bio for the
shorter-of-attention-span, and CVliteTM for anyone who may have been visited by brain-sucking aliens and is in need of some real light-weight reading. |
Somewhat less sensible stuff => sue me, not my employer.
Web pages from a previous and rather
different incarnation, involving scruffy hippies and rather a lot of trees; at
least, until someone very unkindly chopped them all down (the trees that is,
not the hippies). |
I was going to put a load of stuff about rock-climbing (how to
'kill yourself with the aid of an inverse square law force of attraction') here,
but I couln't be bothered. |
Or, you could even check out the ... Real World ... whatever that is. |